Data storage formats and metadata specifications in S-ENDA

The tables below describe the datasets the partners in S-ENDA have agreed to deliver. They include storage formats and metadata specifications with the agreed integration points needed to integrate with and/or the Arctic Data Center.


TitleGranularityData storage formatStorage format for usage metadataStorage format for search metadataStorage format for provenance metadataVisualization serviceAccess serviceSearch service
Deposisjonskart for nedfall Data fra Arome-Arctic og METCOOP varslingsmodeller
  • Variables:
  • Time period per data set: Start - Reference forecast time (00), Stop - +66 ;
  • Geographical division/coverage: Grid over Svalbard (AA) and the Nordic region (MEPS) with 2.5km x 2.5km routes.


TitleGranularityData storage formatStorage format for usage metadataStorage format for search metadataStorage format for provenance metadataVisualization serviceAccess serviceSearch service
Deposisjonskart for nedfall av forurensning i Norge
  • Variables: one component per dataset
  • Time period per data set: One year;  
  • Geographical division/coverage: Grid over Norway. 50x50 km, 1x1 km, 0.1x0.1 degree
NetCDF files in the THREDDS directoryCF, ACDD, EBASISO19115 (OAI-PMH service)WMSNetCDF file download, OPeNDAP and WMOAI-PMH at NILU, OGC CSW and human web search interface at
Datasett til Nordatanet (Spesielt CO2 på zeppelin)
  • Variables: Time series of measurement values time resolution varies from an hour to a month. Some variables are multidimensional
  • Time period per data set Variable: 1 year to several decades
  • Geographical division/coverage: One measurement point per data set
NetCDF files in the THREDDS directoryCF, ACDD, EBASISO19115 (OAI-PMH service)NetCDF file download and OPeNDAP
  • OGC CSW and human web search interface at
  • NIVA

    TitleGranularityData storage formatStorage format for usage metadataStorage format for search metadataStorage format for provenance metadataVisualization serviceAccess serviceSearch service
    Kart for overskridelser av tålegrenser for nedfall av forurensning i Norge
    • Variables: sswc,fab ;
    • Time period per data set: Start: 2017, End: 2021 ;  
    • Geographical division/coverage: (log in required)
    SIOS sensor buoy in Adventfjorden
    • Variables: temperature, conductivity, salinity, turbidity, fDOM, chlorophyll, oxygen and light backscattering;
    • Time period per data set:
    • graphical division/coverage: point
    NetCDFCF-NETCDFACDD xml/NetCDFthredds.t.niva.noMachine search service: ogc csw through
    • Variables:(temperature for inlet), turbidity, water level, conductivity;
    • Time period per data set: 24 hours duration
    • Aggregate dataset: Start - 2022-09-14T11:14:59; End - no time_coverage_end (continuously adding new data)
    • graphical division/coverage: point (two datasets: inlet and outlet at a location in Oslo)
    NetCDFCF-NETCDFACDD xml/NetCDFthredds.t.niva.noMachine search service: ogc csw through, Human search service:


    TitleGranularityData storage formatStorage format for usage metadataStorage format for search metadataStorage format for provenance metadataVisualization serviceAccess serviceSearch serviceLanding page
    Norwegian breeding bird monitoring scheme
    • Variables: Number of observed pairs ;
    • Time period per data set: Start: 2006, End: - ;  
    • Geographical division/coverage: Location accumulated to one common point per assessment route
    DarwinCore ArchiveNorwegian INSPIRE
    • Variables:
    • Time period per data set: Start: 1821, End: - ; 
    • graphical division/coverage: points
    DarwinCore ArchiveNorwegian INSPIRE xmlipt.nina.noNINA insect database
    • Variables:
    • Time period per data set: Start: 2001, End: - ; 
    • graphical division/coverage: points
    DarwinCore ArchiveNorwegian INSPIRE xmlOGC CSW