Data Structure and Documentation

Structuring and documenting dynamic geodata shared by multiple providers (S-ENDA partners) is essential to ensure that data is findable, understandable reusable and interoperable. Data need to be structured, encoded, and delivered in agreed formats, documented with rich and standard metadata, and supported by standardized vocabularies. Both discovery metadata and use metadata are exposed in a centralized catalog, harvesting metadata from original sources by standard protocols and automated procedures. An essential prerequisite for structuring and documenting data is the specification of the dataset(s). The dataset is the basic building block of the data management models adopted in the S-ENDA context.

This chapter provides explanations of central elements, such as datasets, metadata, and vocabulary. Each subchapter goes more into detail on the requirements on the FAIR guiding principles and lastly you can read more about the institute spesific data structures. An overall description of FAIR principles is given in the previous chapter FAIR.